Sewing Training, organized by NIALP – Intercultural Association Lisbon under ‘Namaste Portugal’, in partnership with MODATEX – Página Oficial and funded by Bairros Saudáveis has officially been started since 21st of March 2022. This skill based training is designed to encourage self-employment work and opportunities.
There were more than 100 applicants for the training, out of which 40 were selected in preliminary round for the interview. After the interview, 15 were shortlisted for the training. Among them are 12 Nepali, 2 Bangladeshi and one Afghan refugee who are all unemployed.
All 15 selected trainees will gain vocational training for entire 3 months without any charge. Unemployed trainees will also be able get unemployment benefits and transportation allowance. Those who have children, they will also get children benefit. Upon completion of the training, trainees will be provided with a certificate recognized by IEFP – Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional.