Picture: ACT inspector Christina disseminates information on worker’s rights in Portugal
Rights and Duties at workplace in Portugal
Work4All – session II
The obstacle to the well-being of migrant workers in Portugal roots from the lack of literacy in the most basic rights and duties at workplace. Thus, the information session held in 28th April 2022 was targeted towards Nepali migrant population in Lisbon with the objective of educating them about rights and duties at workplace in Portugal in collaboration with @actportugal . The information was interpreted and translated into English and Nepali by secretary Namuna Bhattarai and director Kamal Bhattarai simultaneously.
We would like to thank all 32 participants for their active participation and @actportugal and Casa da Índia for this beautiful collaboration.
We look forward to another session as such ?
Work4All project is a joint venture of NIALP and Casa da Índia with the financial aid of Alto Commissariado para as Migrações.

Picture: Participants

Picture: NIALP Director Kamal Bhattatai and Secretary Namuna Bhattarai interprets information into Nepali and English simultaneously.