Picture: Employees of NIALP and Casa da India receives training on 'Rights at workplace in Portugal and Types of Contracts' by ACT at NIALP Headquarter.
NIALP has been assisting the migrant population of South Asian origin form social support to legalization from earliest of its days. Likewise, NIALP also gets numerous requests for support of labor exploitation and job applications. Thus, in order to respond to those requests dynamically and to empower working migrant population in Portugal, NIALP has initiated a new project “WORK4ALL” with financial aid of ACM-High Commission for Migration and in partnership with ACT – Authority for Working Conditions, Casa da Índia and Paris Councils of A-Dos-Cundaho and Meceira.
On this project, many different formal and informal sessions will be organized on topics related to the labor marker, namely:
- Rights and duties at work
- Types of contract in Portugal
- Looking for a job in Portugal – Employment and Vocational Training Center
- Title recognition
We kick started this project on 14th April 2022 with internal session, led by ACT, among NIALP employees with the aim of training the team to be able to respond and support migrant population in the labor market and direct them towards ACT portal. The topic of the session was – Rights and duties at workplace and types of contracts in Portugal. The session was led in Portuguese and being interpreted in English and Hindi simultaneously by representative of Casa da Índia.
The next session on the topic ‘Right and Duties at workplace’ will take place on 28th of April 2022 at NIALP Headquarter focusing the migrant community.
Stay Tuned!!